Thursday, February 18, 2016

Monday, December 15, 2014

Ladies Only

Suddenly I realised that on the bus we were only ladies. All going the same way. And it's quiet on the bus.
Which funnily has the driver as a lady too. So yeah it was ladies day. Maybe I should write a song about this.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

C2C Again

Got up and was ready to surprise my mates at work.l wanted to get there so early but the train company had a new excuse. Power failure! We're not in the remote parts of the world with no access to any form of electricity. I mused thinking to myself. It was more like a botched job done over and over again.
Now the apologetic announcement is droning my eardrums .

Saturday, October 19, 2013


When he steps in all fear is gone
When he steps in the presence
It makes a great difference
When he steps light radiates again
When he steps problems
Gain wings to fly
When he steps in
Today beams with a great smile
When he steps in
The clouds rejoice behind

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

The number is seven

7+ is the number of my existence and I'm counting in minutes to it.
At 7 I broke my right arm at 17 I cease to exist to my mother
I became one in whom she saw nothing but disappointments
At 27 I became a masters degree holder
At 37 I was compelled to leave 
Every known surroundings

I hope not to end up on the negative side of one dear
A man who gave and received death as a reward.

I am at the point where I can also celebrate
I can say truly ...
 I still have a song to tell
I am proud to be a Christ follower
For I am one who has lived by grace and  faith
I am one who has seen all harsh life realities
Little joys given and received
Little hopes given and received
Little presences accepted and denied
I am proud to have few true friends
And ones I can really call family
By the Lord of the Spoken Word

I may not qualify
In society's school and class
I am qualified by God's senate
His standard is raised up for me.
I am sooo determined to ride
Into the clouds of my destiny
And at the end wave the victor's flag.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands....

A little sleep a little slumber a little folding of the hands....
Folding of the hands brings stagnation
Folding of the hands brings depression
Folding of the hands brings idleness
Folding of the hands is key to poverty
Folding of the hands takes away creativity
Folding of the hands brings sleep 
Folding of the hands brings enemies
Folding of the hands brings trouble
Folding of the hands bring death
Stop folding your hands now
Start doing something with it